DC Comics Cinematic Universe Wiki

Batman, alongside Nightwing, Batgirl, and Red Hood, have created theoretical and possible weaknesses for several superpowered individuals and beings, including the members of the Justice League, Task Force X, and the Teen Titans, in the event that one or all become an active threat to the world at large.

Unbeknownst to Batman, these plans were stolen by Lex Luthor and Maxwell Lord to incapacitate and defeat the Justice League during the Injustice War.

Justice League[]


  • Kryptonite: Superman's most notable weakness is being exposed to radiation emitted from the substance known as Kryptonite. Batman himself possesses most of the Kryptonite given to him by Superman himself, as limited amounts of Kryptonite exist on Earth. Following Batman's fight with Superman, Batman has devised other, if not easily avertable, solutions to immobilize or hold off Superman in combat.
  • Ionizing Radiation: Another option Batman has thought of is trapping Superman in a room filled with ionizing radiation (non-ionizing radiation being what gives Superman his abilities from the sun's rays); this would slowly but effectively strip Superman of his strength and render him unconscious, though Batman is unsure how to immobilize him without killing him using this.
  • Magic: He has no special defenses against magic, and thus, something that would magically affect a typical person would also affect Superman.
  • Sensory Overload: With his extremely acute senses, Superman can be overtaxed to the point of pain when encountered by extreme external stimuli such as hypersonics (hearing), balance, and sight (flash bang).
  • Nuclear Weapons: Superman isn't immune to being damaged by atomic explosions. They don't usually kill him, but they have been known to cause him a lot of damage sometimes. There have been at least two occasions where nuclear weapons nearly killed Superman. One occurred in the New 52 universe and one in the Pre-New 52 Universe. In one case, he was left lying on the ground, unconscious and looking worse for the wear.
  • Lead: Lead happens to be the only substance that X-ray vision cannot see through. Therefore, it can make him vulnerable in certain situations by lessening his power.
  • Lois Lane: Clark's love for Lois Lane is unconditional, leading to him making decisions against his better judgment before, even when brainwashed by Poison Ivy.
  • Psionic Attacks: All Kryptonians have naturally poor defenses against psychic and telekinetic attacks. While physically stronger than almost every being in the universe, Superman's mind is malleable for anyone who knows how to use mind control.
  • High-Pitched Frequencies: His super-enhanced hearing leaves Superman vulnerable to specific frequencies that can be painful to hear. We're not just talking dog whistles here, but wildly high-pitched frequencies that can make his ears ring. This ultimately means that his power leaves him vulnerable to something that most people can't even hear.
  • Red Sun Radiation: One of the downsides to being a Kryptonian like Superman is that Red Suns have the ability to stunt his superhero potential. They do this by depleting his yellow sun reserves in order to weaken him and rid him of his powers. This weakness has been used against him multiple times and is one of the most reliable ways to cut the Man of Steel for a fight.
  • Electricity: He's shown a vulnerability to electric shocks. This vulnerability has been used against him by multiple villains and Batman himself. Both Live Wire and Conduit have used electricity against Superman in order to weaken him or destroy him in a fight.

Wonder Woman[]

  • Batman has devised nanites which, when injected into her body, leave Wonder Woman trapped in a virtual reality battle against an opponent she cannot defeat and who is her equal in every way. Her refusal to surrender under any circumstance would eventually cause her to tire herself out and die of exhaustion.
  • While Wonder Woman is technically human, she was crafted from magical clay by the Amazons, and as such, any substantial source of fire could still hurt or hinder her, perhaps to the point of melting her back into clay. She could be rebuilt.


  • As one of the fastest beings on earth, it would be complicated to subdue or affect the Flash using his powers. One plan Batman has created is with nanites which, if injected near the neck or the base of the spine, would cause the Flash to become completely disoriented and suffer a seizure while at super speed, quickly putting him off balance and misdirecting him, causing him to crash into the nearest wall or hard surface at the speed of sound, leaving him unconscious.
  • Batman has also tried developing a device that harnesses freezing temperatures, which, if used against the Flash, would rapidly slow down his metabolism, leaving him without his super speed.
  • Flash is not immune to Magic. Using a magical staff to shape him into another form that limited his speed, strength, and intelligence (for instance, a wooden puppet) would render the Speed Force useless.


  • Batman has begun devising an altered version of Scarecrow's Fear Toxin, which would cause Aquaman to become Hydrophobic, causing him to remain from any body of water and become weaker every second.
  • Other weaknesses include dehydration, such as placing or trapping Aquaman in a facility or suspended prison with nothing but dry air.

Red Tornado[]

  • Electromagnetic Pulse
  • Red Tornado is susceptible to being mechanically reprogrammed as well as controlled. Numerous times, he has been altered in order to destroy the JSA or the JLA.

Black Canary[]

  • Sonic Feedback
  • While Black Canary is a master martial artist, she is still just human and, as such, could easily be hypnotized into forgetting her training, causing her to rely on her superpowers, making her easy prey for Batman.

Green Lantern[]

  • One of Batman's plans for Green Lantern also revolves around Scarecrow's Fear Toxin but without any alterations. Using highly advanced and sophisticated cyborgs stolen from Lex Luthor, the Lantern would be tricked into believing he had made a wrong decision that led to the deaths of innocent people. With his will partially broken, Batman would administer the toxin, breaking it entirely and making the Lantern believe he isn't worthy of his power, as "fear is the enemy of will."
  • Green Lantern is rendered blind by his own power ring from a post-hypnotic suggestion introduced during the REM phase and the ring placed on him while he was asleep. Stewart is unable to function without his vision to guide the ring's power. Still, he is able to overcome the post-hypnotic suggestion after his ring is temporarily removed and the methods behind the attack are explained to him.
  • Batman has a Yellow Lantern ring to use against Green Lantern.
  • If the current Green Lantern were to die, it would automatically go to the person with the strongest willpower in the nearest area. This would likely be Batman.

Martian Manhunter[]

  • The Martian Manhunter's most noted weakness is fire. Batman has devised a nanite virus which, if introduced into J'onn's body, would convert the outer layer of his skin into magnesium, causing him to burst into flames upon exposure to air.
  • Likewise, a substance taken into his body, such as drink or food, could be laced with magnesium carbonate, causing him to sweat out the magnesium, leaving his body highly flammable and leaving him too subdued to prevent being set on fire; the fire of which constantly burns, even under water or another extinguisher. Injecting the Martian with aluminum oxide is the only way to neutralize the magnesium.
  • Psychic Feedback could hurt Martian Manhunter more than any other being on Earth, even if he is mentally beyond most other living beings.

Other Members of the League[]

While the league members with superhuman abilities have been Batman's priority, he has also devised weaknesses, if not obvious, for the non-powered members.


  • She must be able to speak or read backward for her to focus her spells. On a separate occasion, The Joker (disguised as the stage magician Loxias) shot Zatanna in the neck, rendering her magic useless.
  • Powerful enchantments against beings of magic, like gods, are able to restrict her as well, preventing her from accessing enchanted places or dispelling the adverse charm. Harmful magical realms such as Hell can also hinder how often she can speak her spells and can cause her great physical damage.


  • Phantom Zone: Lack of raw materials can nullify his powers. Sending him to the Phantom Zone would be the easiest way to exploit this.

Doctor Fate[]

  • Although Kent Nelson is an accomplished magician and crime fighter, without his helm, he is significantly weakened. Said helm is metal and, therefore, could be easily grabbed with a magnet.
  • His invulnerability does not protect him against gas attacks.
  • After long mystical battles or casting powerful spells, Fate's power would be depleted, and he needs to restore his magical energy.
  • In the early days, Doctor Fate would be invulnerable to almost everything except gas of any kind, or he could also be paralyzed entirely if he was deprived of air to breathe.


  • Every time he is born again, he must wander the Earth till he meets again with his eternal soul mate. But as soon as they form a deep bond, they are destined to be murdered again, and it continues.
  • Hawkman's flight is created by his wings, which are connected to his chest pouch. Cutting it off would render him unable to fly.


  • The spell that allows Billy to transform into Shazam is purely vocal. Therefore, if he is prevented from speaking, such as being gagged, he will not be able to change.
  • Billy is still a child, and as such, anything that could harm a child would be effective against him—such as Tranquilizers meant for adults and overconsumption of Alcohol over their natural weight.
  • Eternium: a rare material, an exotic element infused with magical properties and found exclusively within Kahndaq. Reportedly, it could act as a very potent power source. Weapons and missiles made with eternium are one of the few objects capable of harming champions such as Shazam himself, the Shazam Family, and Black Adam. However, the material itself won’t kill them but enough to knock them unconscious for hours or minutes.

Green Arrow[]

  • Immobilising one of Green Arrow's arms, whether temporarily or permanently, is an apparent weakness, negating the use of his bow. Another weakness would be similar to that of the Flash: using nanites to cause nausea or a seizure that would leave him unconscious.
  • Weakness for Black Canary: Green Arrow lusts after Black Canary. Clever usage of disguises could force him to hold back in a fight against someone who resembled her and, as such, weakens his fighting abilities.

Plastic Man[]

  • Extreme heat and fire or melted but he cannot be killed just temporary disabled

Booster Gold[]

  • E.M.P: With Booster Gold's future tech being far more advanced, Batman would use an electromagnetic pulse to turn it off, leaving Booster Gold fully vulnerable to a physical attack.
  • Ego: Booster Gold's Ego often gets the better of him. Batman could easily coax him into having a fair one-on-one match against him without using any of his technology. Gold would quickly lose any unarmed brawl.


  • Removing her Totem, removing her access to power.

Teen Titans[]

Damian Wayne[]

  • Arrogance: More often than not, Damian believes himself to be better than he is; this has allowed him to underestimate opponents as well as irritate his allies.
  • Sexism: Damian highly underestimates women, powerful ones. If convinced he is fighting a woman, he would consciously fight worse.
  • Damien is still a child, and as such, anything that could harm a child would be effective against him—such as Tranquilizers meant for adults and overconsumption of Alcohol over their natural weight.


  • Overconfidence: As a result of analyzing any situation, this allows Dick Grayson to become overconfident and misdirect. This will make him open to a second attack.
  • Lust: Like Green Arrow, Dick Grayson is weak for sexually attractive women, a weakness that could be easily exploited through mental suggestions, disguise, and hypnosis.


  • Drugs: When she was enslaved, Kori was addicted to the drugs that were forcefully given to her by her captors. She managed to overcome her addiction, however. Batman thinks that if she is given the same drugs, her addiction may come back.
  • Metallic Chromium: Starfire, like many Tamaraneans, is allergic to metallic chromium. It gives her flu-like symptoms, and when she sneezes, she unleashes explosive star bolts out of her nose and mouth. Also, her powers are largely affected by how she feels, as Robin learns; if she feels down or confused, her abilities become severely diminished. If it is exposed to solar radiation, it can be used like Kryptonite.

Beast Boy[]

  • It has been shown multiple times that Beast Boy is highly vulnerable to hypnosis - a single glance is enough to put him into a complete trance.
  • When Beast Boy is sick, he can't control his shapeshifting abilities and transforms every time he sneezes.


  • Raven's main weakness is letting go of her emotions, especially rage. Terra learned it from Beast Boy and took advantage of it in the Teen Titans episode "Aftershock - Part 1", using it to finish her off. Even though her rage seems powerful, it could potentially corrupt her, leaving her very vulnerable to attacks with more power than her own.
  • Another weakness of Raven's is her dependence on her incantation, Azarath Metrion Zinthos. If a gag is placed over Raven's mouth and she cannot recite her incantation intelligibly, she cannot connect with her powers until the gag is removed.


  • Batman would shut him down using a computer virus or EMP.
  • Apparently, his cybernetic part doesn't provide resistance against mental control, be it telepathic or psionic in nature.
  • Both of his mechanical and physical parts can be affected by magic. During a battle against the Fearsome Five, part of his body was transformed into liquid metal by Jinx.
  • Cyborg is mentally attached to the smallest of things (even his own car) to the point of self-destruction. Batman could mentally disable him by exploiting these mental flaws.


  • Power Instability: Formerly, she used her suit to shrink; however, after an accident with a Zeta Beam, she couldn't stop shrinking, and this caused her heart to seize. Without the medicine from the Chief, she wouldn't survive.

Blue Beetle[]

  • Reach Technology: Reach tech is capable of piercing the Blue Beetle armor. The Scarab has a truce of nature and won't hurt it, or anything coming from it, of its own volition.

Task Force X[]

King Shark[]

  • Sense of Blood: Like every shark, King Shark develops a sense of blood, but when clouded with rage, his senses can be his own downfall.

Killer Frost[]

  • Frost will die unless she regularly absorbs heat. This extends to areas of extreme cold for too long. This, in turn, makes her immune to overheating.

El Diablo[]

  • Cold temperatures can easily take him down.


  • Her stored electricity will short-circuit and at least partially dissipate if she gets wet.


  • His Daughter: Any situation involving his daughter, Deadshot, can be vulnerable to psychological manipulation.
  • Reliance On Sight: Deadshot requires his own sight to use his guns. Blinding him with an overly bright light will make his gun skills useless.

Harley Quinn[]

  • The Joker: Harley has a deep psychological need to please The Joker even after he dumps her. Subjecting here to powerful hallucinogens can bring that psychological need to the surface.
  • Hypnotizing Harley into forgetting she was ever in love with The Joker could also cause her to turn into a regular therapist again.


  • Monarch's own power revolves around the manipulation of nuclear energy; overusing these powers can cause him to lose control and go into a nuclear meltdown state.

Captain Boomerang

Psychosis: Captain Boomerang is a deranged lunatic, likely due to his step-father, Ian Harkness, subjecting him to abuse and cruelty. He is comfortable with his unprincipled, if not sociopathic, behavior. He has a history of sexually harassing women, vocalizing racist beliefs, betraying comrades, and murdering innocent citizens.


June Moone: Echantress's dependency can be easily used against her by using June's humanity in Echantress to trick her.

Amanda Waller[]

Government Funding: If Batman could hack into every election machine in the world, he could force Congress into limiting its funding on the military, forcing Task Force X to lose its resources.

Lex Luthor[]

Economics: Luthor is still just a man, even if he's a rich one. Batman could use an EMP over Earth to cause the world's economy to crash, causing Luthor to lose all his money.

Superman: Lex Luthor's obsession with killing Superman could be exploited.

Batman Incorperated[]

Red Hood[]

  • Rage And Impulsivness: When blinded by his rage, he is unable to think clearly. Increasing his adrenaline will increase his rage to the point of near death.
  • The Joker: After being returned from the dead, Jason Todd develops a psychological obsession to kill The Joker. This can be used to manipulate Jason to a point where his obsession can be his downfall.


  • Trauma: After being shot and paralyzed by The Joker, Barbara starts to develop some trauma, which can be used against her.
  • Neural Implant: After being paralyzed by The Joker, Barbara had surgery to regain her mobility via a neural implant. If something interferes with the neural implant, it can do some serious damage.

Alfred Pennyworth[]

  • His Willingness To Serve: As the servant of the members of the BatFamily, his willingness to serve and help his family can be his downfall.

Cassandra Cain[]

  • Over-Reliance on Body Reading Ability: While a definite strength in combat, Cassandra's ability to read body language can work against her when she can't properly discern the intent of the opponent's actions based on body language. Generally, this can happen when an opponent is very good at disguising their intent. In another instance, it could be that an opponent isn't thinking or focusing on their movements as they make them. The last way in which this weakness manifests is when Cassandra is facing an opponent who is mentally unstable or ill. Such an opponent is simply too unpredictable to anticipate.

Bruce Wayne/Batman[]

  • Anti-Contingency Plans: Bruce knew that these plans could be used against him and his allies. He crafted anti-contignency plans to undo their effects on the Justice League in the event someone such as Lex Luthor could use them.
  • Desire To Save Others: Batman refuses to let anyone innocent die on his watch, and as such, will do anything to save him, even if it may lead to more trouble later. In one issue of Detective Comics (#500: To Kill A Legend), Batman travels to another dimension where time moves slower, giving him the chance to save his own parents from Joe Chill. Even though not saving them would likely prevent his young self from becoming Batman, he does so anyway. The young Wayne becomes Batman regardless, out of respect for the mysterious Batman that saved him.

Batman Rogues Gallery

Joker: Batman: Joker has always becomes Batman's central focus, but if Bats or the GCPD has no interest in the Joker, Joker's fear of being forgotten manifests, leaving himself open to a physical attack.

Clayface: Ice: Basil's liquefied body can be solidified into a frozen-like state.

Water: If Basil's body comes in contact with water, his body melts into a watery-like form

Two-Face: Reliance on a game of chance: Because of his multiple personalities, he relies on a game of chance with a coin to make decisions. Without it, he is rendered useless.

Poison Ivy: Connection to plant-life: Since she is a half-human half-plant hybrid, she relies on her chlorokinetic abilities. Weedkillers or darkness to remove contact with sunlight will do the trick.

Mr. Freeze: His wife: any situation involving his wife nora, Victor can be easily distracted.

Cryo-Suit: An electromagnetic pulse can disable the tech in his suit

Penguin: Being big: His desire to be the big boss can be his downfall

Bane: Venom Overdosage: Although Bane removed the addictive properties of venom, he is likey to become addicted again.

Chemical pumping system: The pipes that pumps venom or TN1 into Bane's system can be severed. Once severed, use a non-lethal electric current.

Scarface & The Ventriloquist: Each Other: Theories suggest that Arnold Wesker has developed multiple personalities. Another theory suggests that he believes that he is useless without Scarface and vise versa.

Ra's Al Ghul: Ra's has been in constant contact with chemicals in the Lazarus Pits. By destroying the Pits altogether, he connection to it can be severed. Alternatively, his addiction can affect his mind, leaving his body open to direct attack.

Talia Al Ghul: Lust: Talia is responsible for giving me the greatest gift I can ever ask for, a son. She uses that and every other excuse in the book to seduce me, leaving her open to physical, mental, or emotional confrontations.

Fear Toxin[]

At some point, Batman was able to procure a sample of Scarecrow's fear toxin and, for a short time, used it to help him defeat his more skilled opponents and adversaries. During the formation of the Justice League, Batman began devising other uses for the toxic, analyzing each league member to target a specific mental weakness. So far, he has only developed exactly one use for the toxin: Aquaman.
